Congratulations to the Winners of our 2016 Wildlife Photo Contest!
We’re thrilled to announce the Grand Prize and Honorable Mention winners of our 2016 Wildlife Photo Contest! From the remote rain forests of Uganda and the vast savannas of the Serengeti to the icy shores of Antarctica and the rivers of Alaska’s Katmai Coast, this year’s winning photographers traveled far and wide to capture portraits of the world’s most captivating wildlife.
This year’s 2,300 submissions were truly impressive. With so many amazing entries, it was tough for our judges to narrow it down! Thanks to all who voted in the People’s Choice Awards—your 113,000 votes made the contest a huge success. We know it was a challenge to choose just one photo per day!
We have no doubt you’ll enjoy browsing through the winners below, but take some time to peruse all the other entries, too—there are hundreds of other awe-inspiring shots that will make you appreciate this wild, wonderful world we live in!
And the winners are…
Experts’ Choice Grand Prize Winner
The Thinker by Cheryl Ramalho
Species: Chimpanzee | Location: Kibale National Park, Uganda
Experts’ Choice Honorable Mention—Artistic Excellence
Rush Hour by Eileen Johnson
Species: Snow goose | Location: Bosque del Apache, USA
Experts’ Choice Honorable Mention—Originality
Ladies in the Water by Daniel Fox
Species: Steller sealion | Location: Mosquito Pass, Alaska, USA
Check out Daniel’s photography website at www.danielfox.co, and follow him on Instagram at @THEWILDIMAGE and on Twitter at @THEWILDIMAGE.
Experts’ Choice Honorable Mention—Technical Distinction
Pallid Bat Reflection by William Pohley
Species: Pallid bat | Location: Arizona, USA
Check out William’s photography website at www.PohleyPhoto.com.
Experts’ Choice Honorable Mention—Superior Composition
Master of Disguise by Graham McGeorge
Species: Eastern screech owl | Location: Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge , USA
Check out Graham’s photography website at www.grahammcgeorge.com, and follow him on Instagram at @grahammcgeorge and on Twitter at @grahammcgeorge.
Experts’ Choice Honorable Mention—Overall Impression
Marching On By by Linda Klipp
Species: Adelie penguin | Location: Brown Bluff, on Antarctica Peninsula, Antarctica
Check out Linda’s photography website at www.wkimages.net.
People’s Choice Grand Prize Winner
Cheetah Sunset by Susan Leece
Species: Cheetah | Location: Namiri Plains, Serengeti National park , Tanzania
People’s Choice First Place Honorable Mention
More Salmon by Stephen Brkich
Species: Brown bear | Location: Katmai National Park, USA
Check out Stephen’s photography website at https://stephenoutdoorphoto.smugmug.com.
People’s Choice Second Place Honorable Mention
A Throne of Petals by Elizabeth Henderson
Species: Carolina anole | Location: Fort Worth Botanical Gardens, Texas, USA
People’s Choice Third Place Honorable Mention
Roar by Lee Ibrahim
Species: Lion | Location: Serengeti National Park, Tanzania
Check out Lee’s photography website at http://www.leecibrahimphotography.com, and follow him on Instagram at @leecibrahimphotography.